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PCB information
property description
PCB type Standard
Serial code SHVC-1A0N-01
Company Super Home Video Computer - Nintendo (Note, I have found no primary source that this acronym is correct)
Number of chip slots 2
Number of ROM chips 1
ROM chip memory size 2Mb, 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb, or 32Mb
ROM chip type MASKROM
Special coprocessor/ additional chip none
Mapping type, HiROM/LoROM LoROM
SRAM none
SRAM decoder chip none
Board revision 01

Chip slot description
Slot ID description

Mapping information

This info box is taken from the emulators BSNES and HIGAN, by Near. If your game does not run, and the mapping type of the game directs you to this page, you can copy this information into a file called "manifest.bml", in the same game folder directory. This should allow the emulator to properly load the game.

board: SHVC-1A0N-(01,02,10,20,30)
  memory type=ROM content=Program
    map address=00-7d,80-ff:8000-ffff mask=0x8000
    map address=40-7d,c0-ff:0000-7fff mask=0x8000


Image contributor: Evan G

PCB Front:

PCB Back:

Games that use this PCB type:

Game Name Region Serial Code
Final Fight Japan SHVC-FT-0
Final Fight Guy Japan SHVC-FY-0
Gradius III Japan SHVC-G3-0
Jaleco Rally Big Run - The Supreme 4WD Challenge Japan SHVC-BR-0
Jerry Boy Japan SHVC-JB-0
Othello World Japan SHVC-TO-0
Raiden Densetsu Japan SHVC-RD-0
Ranma ½ - Chounai Gekitou Hen Japan SHVC-RA-0
SD The Great Battle - Aratanaru Chousen Japan SHVC-BS-1
Super E.D.F. - Earth Defense Force Japan SHVC-ED-0
Super Formation Soccer Japan SHVC-FS-0
Super Tennis Japan SHVC-ST-0
Super Valis - Akaki Tsuki no Otome Japan SHVC-VA-0
Super Wagyan Land Japan SHVC-SW-0
The Great Battle II: Last Fighter Twin Japan SHVC-3L-0
Run Saber PAL SPAL-RU-0
Super Tennis PAL SPAL-ST-0
Addams Family, The USA SNS-AF-0
Contra III: The Alien Wars USA SNS-CS-0
D-Force USA SNS-DF-0
Darius Twin USA SNS-DT-0
Final Fight USA SNS-FT-0
Gradius III USA SNS-G3-0
HAL's Hole In One Golf USA SNS-JO-0
Home Alone USA SNS-HA-0
HyperZone USA SNS-HZ-0
Joe & Mac USA SNS-JT-0
John Madden Football USA SNS-JM-0
Legend of the Mystical Ninja USA SNS-GG-0
Paperboy 2 USA SNS-P2-0
Pit Fighter USA SNS-PF-0
Populous USA SNS-PO-0
Rival Turf USA SNS-RB-0
Smartball USA SNS-JB-0
Super Adventure Island USA SNS-H2-0
Super Bases Loaded, Ryne Sandberg Plays USA SNS-SP-0
Super Castlevania IV USA SNS-AD-0
Super E.D.F. - Earth Defense Force USA SNS-ED-0
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts USA SNS-CM-0
Super Off Road USA SNS-OR-0
Super R-Type USA SNS-SR-0
Super Scope 6 USA SNS-LR-0
Super Smash T.V. USA SNS-TV-0
Super Soccer USA SNS-FS-0
Super Tennis USA SNS-ST-0
The Chessmaster USA SNS-CH-0
The Miracle Piano Teaching System USA SNS-MR-0
U.N. Squadron USA SNS-E8-0
Ultraman - Towards the Future USA SNS-UM-0
WWF Super Wrestlemania USA SNS-WF-0

© Evan G. This site is made by a Canadian, and fueled by beer. Do not use material on this site without permission. This site does not use cookies.