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Final Fight 2
Game Code: F2 Genre: Fighter/ Brawler
US Title: Final Fight 2 US Publisher: Capcom
Japan Title: Final Fight 2 Japan Publisher: Capcom
Title in Kanji: Title in Kana:
European Title: Final Fight 2 Europe Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom Players: 1-2 (simultaneously)
Accessories: none Special Chips: none
Save: none

This is the sequel to Final Fight, and it plays like, well, Final Fight. I always admit that these kind of games are not my favourites, but for fans of the genre, I guess you can't go wrong with this one.

Cartridge label information

Region Country Serial Code notes Scan
Americas USA SNS-F2-USA regular release link
PAL Germany (Nintendo of Europe) SNSP-F2-NOE regular release link

Do you have a label variant that is not listed above or a better quality copy? Read the Submission guidelines for cartridge label scans.

PCB Information

ROM Chip ID Region Known Man. Dates PCB Type CIC SRAM Decoder/ Logic Circuit Special Chips
SHVC-F2-0 (front) Japan 9314,9318 SHVC-2A0N-10 D411A - MB74LS00 -
SPAL-F2-0 (front) PAL 9351,9349 SHVC-2A0N-11 D413A - GD74LS00 -
SNS-F2-0 (front) USA 9328 SHVC-2A0N-01 D411A - HD74LS00P -

Do you have a PCB with a different ROM chip ID, PCB type or manufacturing date? Read the Submission guidelines for PCB scans.

Box information

Region Country Serial Code notes Front scan Back scan
Americas USA SNS-F2-USA regular release link link

Do you have a box variant that is not listed above or a better quality copy? Read the Submission guidelines for box scans.


GoDSmurF - 9/10


Screenshots (4)

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