Here are a list of websites that may be of interest to those who like SNES Central. Please pay them a visit! Many of the people who are involved in these sites have helped me out over the years!
If you want to use a banner to link to my site, here is one that may suit your purposes:
On Satellablog, kiddocabbusses has done a great job of documenting and preserving Satellaview ROM images, the add-on for the Super Famicom. |
The SNES Manual Archive has links to the manuals to ever English language SNES game. Put together by Peebs, who has played through pretty much every SNES game! |
Hidden Palace is a wiki site dedicated to prototypes of games on all systems. There is an extensive collection of SNES prototypes there! |
Game-Rave is the biggest website dedicated to the Playstation 1. Run by Dangerboy, the world's biggest Playstation fan! |
The ALttP Randomizer is a randomizer for A Link to the Past, which shuffles around the locations of all the treasures for a unique path to Ganon each time you play. It has definitely been one of my favourite gaming experiences. |
Planet Virtual Boy is probably the most complete website dedicated to Nintendo's black sheep: The Virtual Boy. There is information on released and unreleased games, articles, and interviews. Available in German and English. |
A very sleek site that covers all things Sega Genesis, including the 32x and Sega CD. Includes reviews, interviews, and in depth articles |
Gaming Alexandria is one of the most active video game preservation sites. They have preserved all kinds of things, but their notable activities include scanning rare book and Japanese video game magazines. |
Games That Weren't is a site that focuses on documenting unreleased games. Most of the content is Commadore 64 focused, but it has some SNES games. |
The Cutting Room Floor is a wiki that is full of original research on things that were cut from games but remain in the binaries, detailing regional changes, and prototypes. |
RetroRGB introduces everything related to playing classic games in the 2020s. From upscalers to FPGA systems, to mods, this is an go-to if you are interested in getting things to work on a modern TV. |
An organization dedicated to preserving video games! For relevance to this site, they have passed me a number of SNES prototypes, and continue bringing them out. |
NES World is one of the original NES sites, and still one of the best. Still updated, make sure to check it out from time to time for rare and unusual NES and N64 items. |
Unseen64 is a massive archive of information on unreleased video games. I contributed a couple of articles to their book. ;) |
Aeon Genesis is Gideon Zhi's website. He is the most prolific creator of fan translation hacks for the SNES! |
The Cover Project is dedicated to creating high quality covers for plastic game holders. |
The people at Retromags are dedicated to scanning classic gaming magazines. They are responsible for scanning the entire Nintendo Power collection, and do great work. I truly thank them for their efforts, as they provide a wonderful resource for this site.
SMW Central is a community dedicated to making hacks of one of the greatest games ever made, Super Mario World. The creativity of this community is really something to behold. |
The No Intro people create dats for ROM managers, so you can be sure your ROM image was dumped properly. |
Matthew Callis' website documenting newly released SNES and SFC ROM images that he has released. |
Matthew Callis' database of Super Famicom and SNES ROM image information. |
Website of d4s, probably the pre-eminent expert on SNES hardware and homebrew. He created homebrew games such as Super Road Blaster and N-Warp Daisakusen. This website is just an archive now. |
Video Game Den focuses on reviews of Japanese 8 and 16 bit systems. There is a nice selection of Super Famicom reviews. Last update was in 2020.
RVG Fanatic is Steve's retro video game website, with a major focus on SNES and Super Famicom reviews. It hasn't been updated since about 2005 years, but it has some interesting SNES content. |
Super Nintendo Zone is a Super Nintendo site that predates SNES Central. Amazingly, this long defunct Super NES fansite still exists. This site was active from about 1999 to 2001. |