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Final Fight 3
Game Code: AFZ Genre: Fighting/ Brawler
US Title: Final Fight 3 US Publisher: Capcom
Japan Title: Final Fight Tough Japan Publisher: Capcom
Title in Kanji: Title in Kana:
European Title: Final Fight 3 Europe Publisher: Laguna GMBH
Developer: Capcom Players: 1-2 (Simultaneously)
Accessories: none Special Chips: none
Save: none

Final Fight 3 continues in the tradition of the series with characters beating up on random thugs. The graphics in this one are much improved on the previous iterations, and there are new moves and characters. If you like brawlers, you can't really go wrong with this, though it is mostly more or the same.

Cartridge label information

Region Country Serial Code notes Scan
Americas USA SNS-AFZE-USA regular release link
PAL Europe SNSP-AFZP-EUR regular release link

Do you have a label variant that is not listed above or a better quality copy? Read the Submission guidelines for cartridge label scans.

PCB Information

ROM Chip ID Region Known Man. Dates PCB Type CIC SRAM Decoder/ Logic Circuit Special Chips
SPAL-AFZP-0 (front) (back) PAL 9613 SHVC-1J0N-20 D413B - - -
SNS-AFZE-0 (front) USA 9549 SHVC-1J0N-20 D411B - - -
SNS-AFZE-0 (front) (back) USA 9550 SHVC-1J0N-20 D411B - - -

Do you have a PCB with a different ROM chip ID, PCB type or manufacturing date? Read the Submission guidelines for PCB scans.

Box information

Region Country Serial Code notes Front scan Back scan
Americas USA SNS-AFZE-USA regular release link link

Do you have a box variant that is not listed above or a better quality copy? Read the Submission guidelines for box scans.


GoDSmurF - 9.5/10


  • Gamepro, Review (Graphics: 4/5; Sound: 3.5/5; Control: 4/5; Fun Factor: 3/5), Publication date: December 1995, Volume: 7, #12, Pages: 98

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