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                       Z E R O - 4   C H A M P   R R - Z

                             -==-==-==-+-==-==-==-                 Version 
                               C A R   G U I D E                  by 

              |      The game        :        Zero-4 Champ RR-Z |
              |      Producer        :        Media Rings       |
              |      Year            :        1995              |
              |      Platform        :        SNES              |
              |      Gender          :        RAC/RPG           |
              | The car guide        :        Version 1.50      |
              | Written by           :        TownRanger        |
              | Last updated         :        April 07, 2005    |
              | Email                : (See Contact Information)|

                              D I S C L A M I E R
Zero-4 Champ RR-Z is copyright 1995 by Media Rings (R). All cars in the game
are Trademarks or Registered Trademarks of their respective manufacturers or
owners. This car guide and its contents are copyright 2005 by TownRanger.

This car guide is intended for personal reading only. I expressly PROHIBIT 
commercial use, including selling or profit making, of this car guide. I 
allow non-profit making websites to host this guide for free access.

Under any circumstances no commercial websites, books, magazines or money-
making groups and companies are allowed to publish this guide.

This guide is freely copiable to anyone's machine without my prior 
provided that all information is left intact and again no money is involved.
                                                            [End of 

|    Table of Contents    |
0)  Foreground

1)  Introduction
      1.1 Zero4 Champ RRZ
      1.2 Why I wrote this guide

2)  Game Basics
      2.1 Game mode
           2.1.1 RPG mode
           2.1.2 VS mode
      2.2 Game control
      2.3 Game play
           2.3.1 Upshifting
           2.3.2 Drivetrains
                    2.3.1 FF
                    2.3.2 FR
                    2.3.3 MR
                    2.3.4 4WD

3)  Upgrades
      3.1 Tune and part names
      3.2 Tunes
            3.2.1 Aero tune
            3.2.2 CPU tune
            3.2.3 Lightbodyweight kit
            3.2.4 Port grinding
            3.2.5 TCS
            3.2.6 Voa up
      3.3 Parts
            3.3.1 Turbos and chargers
           Small turbo
           Medium turbo
           Big turbo
           Super charger
           Hyper charger
            3.3.2 Intercooler
            3.3.3 Gear boxes
            3.3.4 Tires
           Normal tire
           Dry tire
           Rain tire
           Studless tire

4)  Courses and Techniques
      4.1 Dry course
      4.2 Wet course
            4.2.1 Start-off
            4.2.2 Upshifting
      4.3 Snow course
            4.3.1 Start-off
            4.3.2 Accelerator off
            4.3.3 Upshifting

5)  Cars
      5.1 Honda
            5.1.1 NSX-R
      5.2 Mazda
            5.2.1 Eunos Cosmo Type-SX
            5.2.2 RX-7 TypeR Bathurst
      5.3 Mitsubishi
            5.3.1 Eclipse
            5.3.2 FTO GPX
            5.3.3 GTO Twinturbo
            5.3.4 Lancer GSR EvolutionIII
      5.4 Mitsuoka
            5.4.1 Zero1
      5.5 Nissan
            5.5.1 FannyCar (?)
            5.5.2 R32 SkylineGT-R VSpecII
            5.5.3 R33 SkylineGT-R VSpec N1sample
      5.6 Subaru
            5.6.1 Impreza WRXtypeRA Sti
            5.6.2 Legacy RS
      5.7 Toyota
            5.7.1 Celica GT-FOUR
            5.7.2 MR2 GT
            5.7.3 Supra RZ

6)  Codes and Cheats
      6.1 Name input
            6.1.1 Jet engine
            6.1.2 Erase fastest records
            6.1.3 Erase both fastest records and game saves
      6.2 Colour customization
            6.2.1 Unlock the hidden car--Zero1
            6.2.2 Easy money onhand--30 million yen
            6.2.2 Increased byte fee of arcade

7)  Contact Information

8)  Version History

9)  Ending Remarks
      9.1 Useful sites
      9.2 Credits
      9.3 Final words
                                                     [End of Table of 

|    0)  Foreground    |
This guide can only appear on the following sites:--




The above links will be subjected to future changes if I allow some other
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please email me and let me know. My email address can be found in the 
Information section. Thanks in advance.

The newest version can alsways be found at GameFAQs' site:

If you want to post this onto your website, please email me for my 
first and there will be a 90% of chance that I will let you use this 
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This is my first guide ever written. English is not my first language but
efforts have been put to make this guide comprehensible.
                                                            [End of 

|    1)  Introduction    |
      1.1 Zero4 Champ RRZ
Zero4 Champ RRZ is an SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) simulated
drag racing game produced by Media Rings (R) in 1995. Together with its
previous version Zero4 Champ RR, the Zero4 series has become the only drag
racing game available at the SNES market at that time.

"An anime-styled racing game with an extensive sim mode and 3D racing 

You will either be fascinated by this game or hate this game very much 
- this game is unique because it's highly simulated and has its own RPG 
- this game could be a piece of crap because it's not "real" car racing,
- this game could be a decent RPG because the monster-killing battles count 
   your and your companions' level, magic and equipment, and contains a 
   change system,
- this game is boring because the appearance of the cars remains all the 
   regardless of how you tune it, the tailight does not light up when you 
   the brake, and there is no corner, no ramp, no traffic and thus no 

We will be talking about the above stuff in section 2.1 Game mode later on 
this guide.

     1.2 Why I wrote this guide
First off, this sub-section is not intended for any show-off purposes. If I 
wanted to create fanciful stories about how godly I am, I would not have
written a car guide for a ten-year-old game, would I?

So why did I write this guide? First, in an unforgettable memory of this 
simulated and distinctive game. Second, to contribute to the gaming world
although I am not a hardcore gamer.

Originally this game was never released outside Japan but for unknown 
I got this game from a retailer's shop somewhere outside Japan (I did not 
in Japan, not even now). Currently a couple of weeks before I found my SNES
machine and its cartridges but my SNES ran up and I couldn't find a shop to 
it. I have wanted to replay this game so I spent quite some time to search 
the Zero-4 Champ RR-Z rom. This is how I get back to the game right now.
                                                             [End of section 

|    2)  Game Basics    |
     2.1 Game mode
                                2.1.1 RPG mode
This game is not just a pure car racing game; it contains an original story 
which you are playing the role of an 18-year-old young guy who has once 
the champion of the Japanese Drag Racing World but is currently insulted in
public because he is taken by an annoymous challenger in an unofficial
challenge. He then moves his house and looks for a new start. It's now up to
you to regain his reputation!

You will have to first off wander off in the new city and find out ways to
financially support your sports cars. The most effective and fun way to make
money is to kill the monsters in return for money from the monks. Later on 
will also have to socialize with your ex-rival who will help you out in 
cars and practicing, to find out shops which sell tunning parts and to hunt 

As the story proceeds you can race against your rivals in a 400-meter 
racing track specializing the dragging power of your car starting from rest 
zero to 400 meters. This is why this game is called Zero4 Champ RRZ with 
meaning the 400-meter drag race.

The key to winning is to tune up your car to the largest possible extent and
hit the shiftpoints correctly. You will need money to purchase tunning 
Needless to say racing is a good way to collect money. New cars will 
be available in the showroom for you to race against tougher opponents on 
harder wet and snow courses. This is the RPG part of the game which makes it
unique in any other car racing games we can think of.

                                2.1.2 VS mode
Apart from the RPG story mode, you can also play the VS mode against the
computer or up to a maximum of four human players if you have the 

You can have access to all cars in the VS mode without the problem of buying
the cars like in the story mode. The VS mode provides you with the tunning
parts of all cars except the most expensive tunning upgrades that you can 
get in the story mode.

You can also have access to any of the courses dry, wet or snow or a mix of
them and you can also choose to have zero-to-400 or zero-to-1000 meters 
If you are very lucky after choosing the mixed course of dry, wet and snow 
can see two hidden cars in the game, the Nissan FannyCar (!) and the 

     2.2 Game control
I'll be focusing on the in-car controls. Don't bother with the RPG fighting
controls because this is only a car guide. Maybe later I'll cover something
about the RPG mode of this game.

Below is the controller we are using: (That's all I can do with my skills 

                     ________               _______
                  /    ,_                            \
                 |    _| |_                   (X)     |
                 |   |_,  _|     /    /   (Y)     (A) |
                 |     |_|      "    "        (B)     |
                  \           ____________           /
                   \_________/            \_________/

Four buttons pad:
    A: Gas pedal for acceleration; hold it down.
    B: Brake pedal for its uselessness; never press it!
    X: Clutch for shifting; press it before you move the "shifter" (see 
    Y: Dashboard selector; press at once and a difference dashboard shows up 
       a time.
    L: Nothing?
    R: Nothing?

Direction pad as the shifter:
(*Notice: This is a bit awkard. Use a joystick to give a more realistic 
          Think again! The joystick responses very slowly as for a shifter.
          Stick to a controller instead. And if you are playing this game on 
          computer with emulators like ZSNES and SNES9x, be careful of 
          jam and find a responsive controller or joystick.)

    Up, Down, Left, and Right: Press them to get the shifter moves into the
                               H-shaped space. Before you can do that, press
                               the X button all the way down. After your
                               changing of the gear, release the X button.

     2.3 Game play
                               2.3.1 Upshifting
This game is all about drag racing in that you will have to upshift to 
the speed of your car when the engine revs up with the accelerator being
pressed down.

But this does not mean that you will always have to wait until the rev meter
reaches the red peak margin. Each car has an optimum power output when the
engine reaches a certain rpm (revolution per minute) which may not be its
maximum revloution rate (e.g., 11000rpm for most in-game cars).

With a different power in each gear, the shiftpoints will be different for 
same car from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd gear, etc. It is not the case that all
cars must start off from the 1st gear. Examples are
- an overpowered Honda NSX-R on a dry course, and
- a 4WD Mitsubishi on a wet course

In such cases, a start from the 1st gear will decrease the efficiency of the
power output. This will be discussed in the 5) Cars section later on.

Generally, on dry and snow courses the 1st gear must be used to get a good
launching. On a wet course the 2nd or the 3rd gear should be used. After the
start-off, you can upshift when you see the engine is revving up. Remember
your shiftpoints and for the second upshift, you have to shift up when the
engine revs up beyond your previous upshifting point. The logic is the same 
the third and forth upshifts.

However on dry, wet and snow courses, different upshifting strategies are
required. But foundamentally the thumb of rule is,
    i)  start-off from the 1st gear (exception: wet course),
   ii)  upshift,
  iii)  upshift again when the rev meter has a reading higher than your
        previous shiftpoint, and
   iv)  keep doing this.

Notice the exceptions,
- start from 2nd or 3rd when you are on wet, and
- gas-off before upshifting when you are on snow.

We will be discussing them in detail in the 4)  Courses and Techniques 

                               2.3.2 Drivetrains
As mentioned Zero4 Champ RRZ is a simulated game. The drivetrains make a big
difference to the performance of the cars. Take them into consideration when
buying a car in the story mode or racing against the AI or other player(s).

Drivetrains outweighs the horsepower and torque of a car and determine which 
the courses is/are best for a car.

FF (Front-engine and Front-wheel-drive) is commonplace in everyday and all-
season driving IRL. It is economical and safe. The FF drivetrain however is
totally unsuitable for dragging. All the two FF cars in the game are cheap 
underpowered. Avoid them.
                                                     ( Usefulness rating : * 
     In game FF cars - Mitsubishi Eclipse
                     - Mitsubishi FTO GPX
    Suitable courses - None!

FR (Front-engine and Rear-wheel-drive) is used in many sport cars IRL. No
wonder FR cars are a lot better than the FF ones in terms of drag racing. FR
cars have above average preformance in dry but are useless in wet and snow.
                                                 ( Usefulness rating : ***** 
     In game FR cars - Mazda Eunos Cosmo Type-SX
                     - Mazda RX-7 TypeR Bathurst
                     - Toyota Supra RZ
    Suitable courses - Dry

MR (Mid-engine [or Rear-engine] and Rear-wheel-drive) specifies its power in
sports cars IRL. The MR cars in this game are better than all of the FF and 
cars.  R is your best decision in buying a car in the story mode or racing 
the VS mode on dry courses. However when coming to wet and snow, MR s**ks 
FF and FR do.
                                                 ( Usefulness rating : ***** 
    In game MR cars - Honda NSX-R
                    - Toyota MR2
   Suitable courses - Dry

4WD (4-Wheel-Drive or All-Wheel-Drive) dominates in the wet and snow.  he 
drivetrain draws all the power from the engine to all the wheels of the car.
This is the most effective power directing method in sports cars. That is 
a majority of the cars in this game is 4WD. Notice that Mid-engine 4WD will 
even stronger than Front-engine 4WD.
                                            ( Usefulness rating : ********** 
    In game 4WD cars - Mitsubishi GTO
                     - Mitsubishi Lancer
                     - Nissan R32 SkylineGT-R
                     - Nissan R33 SkylineGT-R
                     - Subaru Impreza WRXtypeRA
                     - Subaru Legacy RS
                     - Toyota Celica GT-FOUR
    Suitable courses - All!
                                                             [End of section 

|    3)  Upgrades    |   ( in  progress )
    Bear with me; I'm still working on this section.  There will be future
    revisions on this section until the entity of tunning is included here.

     I will also be working on literal translations of the parts and tunes.

     3.1 Tune and part names
Kanji and Romanized Japanese katakanas can be way too painful to end up with 
translation accuracy. I appreciate if you could drop me a note if you 
the following Japanese stuff in a way different from mine.

Here is a rough translation of the tune and part names. Table 3.1A is in the
sequence in the VS mode. Those I have no idea are indicated by an asterisk 

|             T U N E S             |            P A R T S            |
|  Jap            Eng               |       Jap             Eng       |
|CPUchu-n       CPU tune            |   sumo-ruta-bo     Small turbo  |
|                                   |                                 |
| boaa          Boa* up             |   bigguta-bo        Big turbo   |
|earochu-n     Aero tune            |   inta-ku-ra-      Intercooler  |
Table 3.1A -- Sequence of tune and part name in the VS mode

     3.2 Tunes
This section describes what each of the tunes and parts do.

                               3.2.1  Aero tune
The aero tune decreases the air resistance of the body of your car in high

                               3.2.2  CPU tune
The CPU tune resets the computer system installed in your engine and allows
your car to run beyond the speed limit of 180km/h.  It is the cheapest but 
most important one.

                          3.2.3  Lightbodyweight kit
The lightbodyweight kit reduces the mass of your car and grants a higher 
with more power available to your car.

                             3.2.4  Port grinding
The port grinding reduces friction in your engine and maximizes the engine
power to 100% and allows a smoother run in high speed.

                                  3.2.5  TCS
The TCS improves the hollowspin and resets the whole computer system of your

                                3.2.6  Boa up
Increases the volume of the cyclinder and increases the power of your car.

     3.3 Parts
                          3.3.1  Turbos and chargers
                   Small turbo
Coming soon...
                   Medium turbo
Coming soon...
                   Big turbo
Coming soon...
                   Super charger
Coming soon...
                   Hyper charger
Coming soon...
                              3.3.2 Intercooler
Coming soon...

                              3.3.3 Gear boxes
Avoid automatic at all cost! It slows down your time because it has about a
0.5 second lack everytime when you upshift. It procrastinates your launch 
as well because you have to put it into N before the green light shows up. 
absence of the clutch drastically slows down both your start-off and 
In wet and snow it's even more worse.

4- and 5-gear boxes are also useless. They are just weaker than a 6-gear 
Use a 6-gear box no-matter-what!

                                 3.3.4 Tires
There are four types of tyres and they are self-explanatory.

                   Normal tire
The stock tires installed in a car. They can used on all courses but are not
decent on any one of them.

                   Dry tire
Dry tires can only be used in dry. They will totally fail you if you use 
in wet or snow.

                   Rain tire
The best in wet but if used in dry or snow your car can still run a decent 
comparable to that with the normal tires. The rain tires are compatibale for
all courses.

                   Studless tire
Best in snow but are alright to be used in wet.
                                                             [End of section 

|    4)  Courses and Techniques    |
     4.1 Dry course
What you have to do is to fully press the accelerator all the way down. Put 
gear in first and press the clutch before the green light. Release the 
immediately when you see green.  Usually you will be a tiny bit (0.2s) 
the AI but you can catch up soon if you hit the shiftpoints correctly. When 
are upshifting always keep the accelerator down. Never release it.

     4.2 Wet course
                               4.2.1 Start-off
Let us come to the wet course.  It is very much similar to dry races but the
only difference is put the gear in third for an effective start.

                               4.2.2 Upshifting
Press the accelerator all the way down like what we do with dry courses. You
can upshift when the rev meter fluctuates and when your speed increases in a
slower rate.

     4.3 Snow course
                               4.3.1 Start-off
Use the first gear to get a lauching. However, bear in mind this very 
thumb of rule on snow: GAS-OFF WHEN YOU UPSHIFT.

This means that when you see the green light you should RELEASE BOTH THE GAS
AND THE CLUTCH AT THE SAME TIME at then throttle again when the needle goes

                            4.3.2 Accelerator off
Let me be wordy here; gas-off when you upshift. This is to prevent the tires
from losing traction with the ground. The car will "float" on the snow and
begins to speed up.

                               4.3.3 Upshifting
So you are gas-off'ing, as you will see the engine of the rev meter goes 
Upshift and do not let the needle drops below 2000rpm.
                                                             [End of section 

|    5)  Cars    |
This section deals with the in-game data and my reviews of all the cars that
appear in this game. The in-game descriptions are translated from the 
ones that you can see in the showroom in the Story mode.

     5.1 Honda
If you have played the previous verison Zero-4 Champ RR on the SNES 
you will have noticed that Civic, Integra and NSX-R are the three cars to
choose from Honda. In this version however only the NSX-R remains. Therefore 
are not going to look at hte overall comments of Honda car because there is
only one.

                                 5.1.1  NSX-R
    Code       - NSX-R C30A DOHC6 VTEC
    Drivetrain - MR
    Capacity   - 2977 cc
    Mass       - 1230 kg
    Horsepower - 280 ps / 7300
    Torque     - 30.0 kgm / 5400
    0-400m     - 12.66 sec
    Cost       - 9757000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The Honda NSX-R is the best on dry in the game. It's overpowered 
         has the highest top speed among all cars. The price is scary as 
         I strongly recommend that if you are palying the RPG mode, fight 
         way up the Misery Temple to get more money to afford this car. You
         should get a taste from it.

     5.2 Mazda
The Mazda sports cars specify their rotary engines. However there is no
noticable difference. The RX-7 is your good start whilst the Eunos is the
plague to be avoided.

                          5.2.1 Eunos Cosmo Type-SX
    Code       - Eunos Cosmo Type-SX 20B-REW ROTARY TWINTURBO
    Drivetrain - FR
    Capacity   - 654 cc x 3
    Mass       - 1590 kg
    Horsepower - 280 ps / 6500
    Torque     - 41.0 kgm / 3000
    0-400m     - 13.59 sec
    Cost       - 3990000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The Eunos appears to be more like a family car. I have no idea why 
         is in the drag world. It has a twin turbo installed but I cannot 
         any power from it. Ironically, it is costier than its brother RX-7
         which rubs off on it. Why not go for the RX-7? Say bye to the 

                          5.2.2 RX-7 TypeR Bathurst
    Code       - Anfini RX-7 TypeR Bathurst
    Drivetrain - FR
    Capacity   - 645 cc x 2
    Mass       - 1260 kg
    Horsepower - 255 ps / 6500
    Torque     - 30.0 kgm / 5000
    0-400m     - 13.32 sec
    Cost       - 3285000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The RX-7 is your choice as for Mazda cars. Although it is not the
         strongest car in the game, it is a good step to, in the RPG mode, 
         this car before you proceed. The RX-7 is your best first choice. 
         may keep it to the very end of your story. It helps you win the
         Dry Champion.

     5.3 Mitsubishi
The Mitsubishi Motors rules wet in the game. The GTO is best on wet. The 
can be a very good companion on snow. As for the two front-engined cars, do 
buy them.

                                5.3.1 Eclipse
    Code       - Eclipse 4G63 DOHC4 TURBO
    Drivetrain - FF
    Capacity   - 1997 cc
    Mass       - 1330 kg
    Horsepower - 230 ps / 6000
    Torque     - 29.5 kgm / 2500
    0-400m     - 14.35 sec
    Cost       - 2360000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The Mitsubishi Eclipse is an underpowered car. FF cars are 
         weaker at dragging which is the only way to compete in this game.
         Keeping the engine revving low and shifting earlier than all other
         cars is how to get the power of the underpowered. DO NOT buy this 
         in the story mode because even if this car is full tuned, it still
         cannot beat the dry champion RX-7. There is no need to mention how
         this car crawls in wet and snow.

                                5.3.2 FTO GPX
    Code       - FTO GPX 6A12 DOHC6 MIVEC
    Drivetrain - FF
    Capacity   - 1998 cc
    Mass       - 1170 kg
    Horsepower - 200 ps / 7500
    Torque     - 20.4 kgm / 6000
    0-400m     - 14.51 sec
    Cost       - 2287000 Yen

In-game description - The FTO is the first car to install a sports mode 
                      automatic transmission called the INVEC-II. This new
                      technology has become a hit topic with its attractive
                      MIVEC engine which exceeds a 100 horsepower output.

Review - The Mitsubishi FTO GPX is the cheapest and weakest car in the game.
         With an FF drivetrain, the lowest horsepower and the lowest torque 
         the game, this car has become an underpowered car which is not
         suitable for drag racing. If you are playing the story mode, DO NOT
         BUY the FTO because it is impossible to beat the dry champion RX-7
         even you have full-tuned your FTO. It is also impossible to beat 
         AI rivals on wet or snow courses with this worst car.

                             5.3.3 GTO TWINTURBO
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 2972 cc
    Mass       - 1710 kg
    Horsepower - 280 ps / 6000
    Torque     - 43.5 kgm / 2500
    0-400m     - 13.17 sec
    Cost       - 4315000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The Mitsubishi GTO TWINTURBO is the heaviest machine in the game 
         it is overpowered and runs decent times on all courses. This car is
         overall the best on wet course. Although this car is just one 
         away from its brother FTO, this car is millions of times better.

                        5.3.4 Lancer GSR EvolutionIII
    Code       - Lancer GSR EvolutionIII
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 1997 cc
    Mass       - 1260 kg
    Horsepower - 270 ps / 6250
    Torque     - 31.5 kgm / 3000
    0-400m     - 12.87 sec
    Cost       - 2968000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The Mitsubishi Lancer GSR EvolutionIII is the best Mitsubishi on 
         and snow courses. This car is the right choice because it is 

     5.4 Mitsuoka
The Mitsuoka Zero1 can be unlocked only by luck if you are playing the VS 
If you are playing the Story mode, there is a way to activate this car. See
the Codes and Cheats section for details.

                                 5.4.1 Zero1
    Code       - Zerowan MatsudaB6 DOHC4
    Drivetrain - FR
    Capacity   - 1957 kg
    Mass       - 710 kg
    Horsepower - 120 ps/ 6500
    Torque     - 14.0 kgm / 5500
    0-400m     - 13.53 sec
    Cost       - 2950000 Yen

In-game description - Seeing this car, people may instinctively ask the
                      question, "Can it really run on public roads?" The 
                      is a Japanese domestic production and a men's toy in 
                      the joy of riding this car comes from its unique
                      appearance, convertible top and super light weight.

Review - Seemingly the Zero1 is underpowered. It has the worst horsepower 
         torque on paper. When things come to practice, however, this car is 
         Bang! Wow! Probably because of its extremely light weight and its 
         physical size, the Zero1 is very capable of dragging.

     5.5 Nissan
Here comes the Nissan cars. They are very powerful in that either of them is
decent enough and are all-rounded. On dry, wet and snow courses, they never
fail you.

                             5.5.1 FannyCar (?)
    Code       - FannyCar (?)
    Drivetrain - (?)
    Capacity   - (?)
    Mass       - (?)
    Horsepower - (?)
    Torque     - (?)
    0-400m     - (?)
    Cost       - (?)

In-game description - NA

Review - This is it the FannyCar! I think it is intended to be FunnyCar 
         of the influence of their first language which has no 
         of sound understanding between the "a" as in "fanny" and the "u" as 
         "funny", the Japanese programmers may have confused these two 
         and thus erroneously produced such an awkward name Fanny... like a 
         word, you know.

         The FannyCar is specialized for drag racing IRL! It has a long 
         lined body with a jet engine installed at the back. This is also 
         in-game Fujiwara's project car. You can taste it only on the mixed
         course in the VS mode. Definitely this is the most powerful car in 

         I believe that this car could be activated in the RPG mode by a 
         code or what. I think programmers tend to create easter eggs in 
         which has to be recalled only by cheating or else why do they 
         with the creation of such "secrets"?

         Back to it, if you have this car in hand, save it as your ultimate
         weapon. Be careful with the tires installed in it, you must place 
         on the right course according to the tires and you will be granted 
         win. The shiftpoints of this car is very flexbile; just upshift 
         the engine revs up. You can upshift earlier because the impossibly
         powerful engine of this car can release its full power at any rev

                        5.5.2 R32 SkylineGT-R VSpecII
    Code       - R32 SkylineGT-R VSpecII RB26DETT DOHC6 TWINTURBO
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 2568 cc
    Mass       - 1500 kg
    Horsepower - 280 ps / 6800
    Torque     - 36.0 kgm / 4400
    0-400m     - 12.58 sec
    Cost       - 5260000 Yen

In-game description - After the release of newer models, the R32's 
                      never goes down. "Run!" is the driver's choice which
                      will never be outstyled. Is this the secret of the 

Review - The R32 is all-rounded in that it run very decent times on whatever

                    5.5.3  R33 SkylineGT-R VSpec N1sample
    Code       - R33 SkylineGT-R VSpec N1shiyou RB26DETT DOCH6 TWINTURBO
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 2568 cc
    Mass       - 1540 kg
    Horsepower - 280 ps / 6800
    Torque     - 37.5 kgm / 4400
    0-400m     - 12.34 sec
    Cost       - 5990000 Yen

In-game description - This is the R33 which breaks the world record in the
                      racing cicuit in Nulbulring, Germany, by shortening 
                      time by 21 seconds and outweighing the R32-GTR. This 
                      is appealing to everyone.

Review - The Nissan R33 Skyline GT-R is very much like its brother the R32
         excpet it is better off one to two seconds.

     5.6 Subaru
                         5.6.1 Impreza WRXtypeRA STi
    Code       - Impreza WRXtypeRA STi EJ20 DOHC4 TURBO
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 1994 cc
    Mass       - 1200 kg
    Horsepower - 275 ps / 6500
    Torque     - 32.5 kgm / 4000
    0-400m     - 12.86 sec
    Cost       - 2890000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - This Impreza is quite similar to that IRL which specifies its power
         of 4WD rally. You, however, can only sense it in wet. Overall this 
         is definitely above average.

                               5.6.2 Legacy RS
    Code       - Legacy RS EJ20 DOHC4 TURBO
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 1994 cc
    Mass       - 1605 kg
    Horsepower - 250 ps / 6500
    Torque     - 31.5 kgm / 5000
    0-400m     - 14.95 sec
    Cost       - 2641000 Yen

In-game description - Coming soon...

Review - The in-game specifications of this car are a bit lower than its
         brother Impreza. But when you are using this car, you cna only feel 
         marginal difference. Again, the Legacy are all-rounded as for a 4WD

     5.7 Toyota
The Toyota cars may have a decent statistics but they do not turn out be as
good as they sound to be. Only the Celica is recommended.

                            5.7.1 Celica GT-FOUR
    Code       - Celica GT-FOUR 3S-GTE DOHC4 TURBO
    Drivetrain - 4WD
    Capacity   - 1998 cc
    Mass       - 1380 kg
    Horsepower - 255 ps / 6000
    Torque     - 31.0 kgm / 4000
    0-400m     - 14.12 sec
    Cost       - 3171000 Yen

In-game description - Having become the series of Champion over the past two
                      years in a row in the WRC, the Toyota Celica is made
                      available in the market with this super unique version
                      regardless of your like or dislike of its rally mask.

Review - The Toyota Celica GT-FOUR is an all-rounded car on dry, wet and 
         courses. It has an above average performance on all courses but it 
         not the best car though.

                                5.7.2 MR2 GT
    Code       - MR2 GT 3S-GTE DOHC4 TWINTURBO
    Drivetrain - MR
    Capacity   - 1998 cc
    Mass       - 1260 kg
    Horsepower - 245 ps / 6000
    Torque     - 31.0 kgm / 4000
    0-400m     - 13.97sec
    Cost       - 2829000 Yen

In-game description - The purity of combining "midship" (mid-engine) and two
                      seats makes this car handles perfect on sharp turns as
                      the MR soprts car drivetrain also helps. This car by
                      comparison is like a 250cc racer in the motorcycle 

Review - The Toyota MR2 GT is an underrated car. I do not know why the game 
         programmed in such a way that the Toyota's are all tuned-down 
         real life performance reference. The MR2 is an MR car and is really
         not that good on wet and snow. It is not good on dry either.

                               5.7.3 Supra RZ
    Code       - Supra RZ 2JZ-GTE DOHC6 TWINTURBO
    Drivetrain - FR
    Capacity   - 2997 cc
    Mass       - 1490 kg
    Horsepower - 280 ps / 5600
    Torque     - 44.0 kgm / 3600
    0-400m     - 13.20 sec
    Cost       - 4360000 Yen

In-game description - The aerodynamic characteristic of the Supra is piled 
                      with a beautiful style and streamlining. Together with
                      the most powerful engine ever in the world produced by
                      Toyota, there is no reason for this car to be not 

Review - The Toyota Supra RZ has a cool appearance and a very decent torque.
         But for unkown reasons this car doesn't run really good times 
         because of its heavy weight. Personally I tend to think that this 
         is not worth it. Unless you would like to stick to Fujiwara's 
         do not use the car.
                                                             [End of section 

|    6)  Codes and Cheats    |
     6.1 Name input
The name input prompt in this section refers to your hero's name in the 
mode. I assume that you have the slightest knowledge about the sounds of the
Japanese alphabet.

As I do not want to be involved in technical issues, I will not include the
exact Japanese letters here which require some other pieces of software to
display them properly. If you have no Japanese knowledge, you may use your
browser (IE6.0+ is recommended since it supports all langauges) to search 
for a
Japanese characters chart with Romanised sound translations.

                               6.1.1 Jet engine
By entering the name "do-h-ga-me" in hiragana (literally means "dumb 
an insult to a car racer) when the Story mode starts, you can immediately 
the jet engine.

To install it, choose the option "Dogu-O-Tsukau" ("Use an Item") and then
choose "Jetoenjin" (phonetic borrowing of "Jet Engine"). Your car will have
extreme power on wet courses!

                          6.1.2 Erase fastest records
By entering the name "ra-n-ku-ku-ri-a" in katakana (phonetic borrowing of 
clear") when the Story mode starts, you can delete all the fastest records 
in the VS mode.

                6.1.3 Erase both fastest records and game saves
By entering the name "ra-mu-ku-ri-a" in katakana (phonetic borrowing of "RAM
clear") when the Story mode starts, you can delete all of the game saves and
the fastest records done in the VS mode.

     6.2 Colour customization
After the starting scene where you will have to customize the colour scheme 
your dining room, the game provides you with five items of furniture. For 
of these items, you will have a few options to choose from.

Again every single one of the items and options are in Japanese. This time 
is even tougher as Kanji (Chinese characters) are used.

All the items and options are written in order in case you can read Kanji.

                      6.2.1 Unlock the hidden car--Zero1
    ~ kabe       (wall) = *shiro        (white)
    ~ ka-ten  (curtain) = *kuro         (black)
    ~ ka-petto (carpet) = *kuro         (black)
    ~ sofa-      (sofa) = *aka            (red)
    ~ posuta-  (poster) = su-pa-ka- (super car)

Now you can purchase the hidden car Zero1 in the showroom at any time!

*Note: These items are written in Kanji, Chinese characters. Fortunately, 
       may judge the colour to see if you are correct.

                    6.2.2 Easy money onhand--30 million yen
    ~ kabe       (wall) = *kiiro    (yellow)
    ~ ka-ten  (curtain) = *midoriiro (green)
    ~ ka-petto (carpet) = *kiiro    (yellow)
    ~ sofa-      (sofa) = *kiiro    (yellow)
    ~ posuta-  (poster) = shu-ru   (surreal)

You will now immediately have 30 million yen as your savings!

*Note: These items are written in Kanji, Chinese characters. Fortunately, 
       may judge the colour to see if you are correct.

                      6.2.3 Increased byte fee of arcade
    ~ kabe       (wall) = *ao         (blue)
    ~ ka-ten  (curtain) = *ao         (blue)
    ~ ka-petto (carpet) = *ao         (blue)
    ~ sofa-      (sofa) = *midoriiro (green)
    ~ posuta-  (poster) = no restriction

You will now have an improved byte fee of the video game corner.

*Note: These items are written in Kanji, Chinese characters. Fortunately, 
       may judge the colour to see if you are correct.
                                                             [End of section 

|    7)  Contact Information    |
Questions, comments, contributions and criticisms are all appreciated. I can
be reached by email.  y email address is townranger[at]hotmail[dot]com.
Replace [at] by @ and [dot] by . (fullstop or period as you'd like to
call it).

Please when you email me always include "Zero4" or something similar as the
subject of your message so that I know you are referring to this guide. That
could be things like "Need help with 04", "Zero4 new ideas", "04 guide 

Please include what you want to say in the text of your email. DO NOT ATTACH
any files like gif, txt, pdf or doc or else I would assume yours is a virus
email and I will not read it.

If you want to post this onto your website, always email and ask me first.
There will be a 90% of chance that I will say yes if you provide absolutely
free access to this car guide without involving money from readers and if 
agree to use this guide in its entity with everything left intact.
                                                             [End of section 

|    8)  Version History     |
Version Beta  [ February 17, 2005 ]
               *Got some time in hand in memory of this old buddy game*
             - First draft before release
             - Designed the layout
             - Added Introduction
             - Presented car data from the game
             - Reviewed on Supra, Celica, Eclipse, FTO, GTO, Lancer, and 
             - Started the Upgrade section

Version 1.00  [ February 24, 2005 ]
               *Once I started I'm committed to it... whew!*
             - Added Disclaimer, and Courses
             - Added tunes in the Upgrade section
             - Added Ending Remarks
             - Added Version History
             - Finished Game Basics
             - Reviewed on NSX, Eunos, RX-7, the Skylines, Impreza, and 
             - Fixed some minor typos
             - Edited some of the text

Version 1.02  [ February 25, 2005 ]
               *Got a message in gamefaqs' board just after a couple of 
                of my submission! Thanks!*
             - Deleted redundant websites
             - Fixed a jerky typo "hurt for chicks"
             - Fixed a layout problem
             - Swaped sections 6 and 7
             - Edited some of the text

Version 1.30  [ February 27, 2005 ]
               *SOLVED THE ZERO1 MYSTERY! YAY!!!*
             - Added the sub-section Mitsuoka
             - Added some websites
             - Credited where credits are due
             - Reviewed on Zero1
             - Added Codes and Cheats section
             - Fixed two serious mistakes:
               "FunnyCar" should be "FannyCar" (sounds more like a swear 
               "Zero4" should be "Zero1"
             - Renumbered sections 6 to 8
             - Split Ending Remarks into sub-sections
             - Edited some of the text

Version 1.46  [ March 01, 2005 ]
               *Previous versions all accepted! I must be at least updating
                this guide once again*
             - Added Foreground section
             - Added some more cheats and codes
             - Translated the in-game car descriptions of Zero1, Celica, 
               Supra, R32, R33, and FTO
             - Elaborated some car reviews
             - Reorganized the Codes and Cheats section
             - Fixed a translation mistake of "genmoo" (should be 
             - Fixed some minor formatting errors
             - Edited some of the text

Version 1.47  [ April 03, 2005 ]
               *Email changed cuz I lost the password*
             - Changed email

Version 1.50  [ April 07, 2005 ]
               *Got pissed off again at work. So stick to this to shun the
             - Got rid of redundancy
             - Changed email for consistency of my stuff on GameFAQs
             - Reformatted the subsection headings
             - Fixed some minor formatting errors
             - Edited some of the text
                                                             [End of section 

|    9)  Ending Remarks    |
      9.1 Useful sites
The official Media Rings' (R) site:

You may want to see screenshots of this game in retrobase's website,
   (The above URL is one-line only)

      9.2 Credits
All thanks go to:
- CJayC            : For hosting the best gaming site in the entire world
- Neoseeker        : For hosting another decent gaming site in the world
- Media Rings (R)  : For producing this awsome game
- The ZSNES team   : For writing the SNES emulator
- *Some ROM sites* : For preventing classic games from time loss
- You              : For taking time to read this
- Me (not really)  : For writing this

      9.3 Final words
This is my first FAQ/guide I have ever written. I appreciate it if you could
kindly give me suggestions or any constructive comments of how to improve 

I have thought of writing an FAQ/Walkthrough for this game but since there
seems to be no English ROM for this game, it is very difficult for me to
understand the flow of the story. The seemingly "underpopularity" of this 
also makes it difficult to figure out the secrets in the game--the hidden 

Well, probably I have no time to replay the game once again I think. But I 
keep updating this car guide.

*One mystery to be sloved: the FanniCar...*

I am not sure where to write this so I put it here.

I spent many hours on this and I hope you may find this car guide useful.  
not let me catch you plagarizing my hard work. Give credits to me if you are
using this.

If you want to post this guide onto your website, email me for my permission
first and if you agree not to make profit by selling this, there will be a 
of chance that I will let you use this guide.

Enjoy the world of zero4 drag racing!

Thanks for reading!

Now it's time to resume your real life and mine as well... and never drag 
car IRL!
                                                             [End of section 

                          Copyright 2005 by TownRanger
                                                              [End of 

© Evan G. This site is made by a Canadian, and fueled by beer. Do not use material on this site without permission. This site does not use cookies.