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Pinball Dreams


This is a late prototype of Pinball Dreams, which was released by a scene group.

By: Evan G
Last updated: December 17, 2017

This is a almost final version of Pinball Dreams. I could not find any gameplay differences in the four tables available in-game, but there are a few changes in the spash screens and on the options, as well as some censorship. This prototype was released by the scene group Accumulators on December 15, 1993. The game was apparently released in April 1994.

/\                                      /\                       _______
    /  \ _____ ____ _ __ ___  ___ __ __ __  /  \ ________ __  ______ /      /
   /    \  __/  __/  /  |   \/   |  /  |  |/    \ _   __/   \|   _  \   ___/
  /  |   \/___ /___ /   |        | /   |  |   |  \/   |      \     _/__    \
 /   __   \  /    /     |   \ /  |     |  |__ __  \   |   |   \     \      /
/____|     \/____/______|____/   |_____|     ||    \ _| ______/_|    \    /
     |______\               /____|     |_____||_____\           |_____\ _/-Ch-

                          ThE ACCuMULaTOrS PreSEnTS:

                        PiNBaLL DrEAMS [8MBiT/SNeS/SmC]
               SuPPLiED bY ThE ACC DuO - CiTYHuNTeR & WiSE MaN
                           RELeASeD On 15th DEc 93

There are a few changes to the splash screens.

This Nintendo splash screen is not in the final versionThe 21st Century Entertainment screen is also not in the final version
The Spidersoft credits also don't appear in the final version
The prototype version doesn't have a controller option to use the L/R buttonsThe controller option is in the final version
The default high scores in the prototype are the same for all tablesIn the final version, the Steel Wheel and Nightmare tables have the scores increased substantially

The Graveyard table was altered slightly to remove the cross and blood. The brightness of the non-lit letters has also been reduced in the final version.

The prototype has a cross-shaped bonus indicator on the left.In the final version, this is removed
The prototype has red blood.In the final version, this was changed to blue.
Cross in the background art.This cross was also removed.

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