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Mega Man X3

The final Megaman X game for the SNES and by far my favorite of them. For the most part it’s exactly like its 2 predecessors. You go about fighting 8 different robots that you select from a menu. Just like any other Megaman game your goal is to defeat them all then defeat the evil sigma. But this time you get the help of Zero. This makes MMX3 the first game where you could actually play as Zero, who after the game, became probably the most popular character of the X series (in MM4/5/6 it seems Megaman took a back seat to the story of Zero)

The graphics, like MMX2, were enhanced nicely by the C4 chip. There are some times you will sit and wonder at the great 2d effects that chip can throw out.

Graphics 10/10-
This game is one of the pinnacles of SNES graphics. Beautifully done, with detailed backgrounds and motions.

Sounds 6/10-
Again standard Mega man style sounds.

Music 9/10-
Listen to the zero theme… you will be hooked.

Control 8/10-
Again standard MMX problems.

Replay 3/10-
Zero is always a reason to pick up the game at least one more time ^_^… but besides that same as any other MMX game.

Overall 9/10
This game is definitely one of my favorite SNES games and I have incredibly high standards when it comes to my favorite games. But then again I have always been a Megaman person.

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