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Street Fighter Alpha 2

One of the final games released on the SNES, this game shows that with a little bit of work, large games can be made for the Super Nintendo. Mind you, this game does show some limitations. Perhaps before I go on, I should say that I have never played this game in the arcade or on any next generation console. First thing that you will notice is the amazing graphics. They are among the best for the system. The frame rate isn't always smoking in game, but it didn't distract me at all. One thing that is really annoying is the small pause before each match begins. This gets to be quite annoying, but can also be an advantage for multiplayer matches.

The sound in this game is not really that good. It all sound really muted, and most characters cannot be understood. The music is not all that spectacular, and you usually do not pay much attention to it when you are playing.

Now on to controls. I have played many fighting games on the SNES, and I must say that this game probably has the best controls ever for a fighting game. Moves are generally quite easy to pull off. And even a newbie at Street Fighter (like me) could pull off some long combos. Another thing I liked about this game is the amount of difficulty levels. With 8 different skill levels, virtually anyone can pass the game with a challenge. This game did lack a lot of play modes, but since this game had to fit on a cartridge, I guess it is to be expected. This game is awesome, and is even better with 2 players. I recommend it to any fighting game fan. This is my favourite fighting game for the SNES.

Graphics: 100

Sound: 40

Control: 80

Overall Score: 90

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