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Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja

This quirky little platform game is quite good for one of the first snes games ever released. At first you can see slowdown, but it does not deter the game. The graphics are nice and colourful, and show true 16 bit power (as would have been said when it was released). The bosses are large and quite impressive. The controls are not always perfect, but they do not suck by any means. The music had a definite prehistoric theme, but I didn't think it was all that good. The part I didn't like was the fact that some levels were just too short. Some of them just had a small action sequence, then a boss. Of course, this could be forgiven, seeing as how this was an arcade game. It is a rather enjoyable game, just don't expect it to be all that difficult.

Graphics: 70

Sound: 50

Control: 60

Overall Score: 60

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