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Super Bases Loaded, Ryne Sandberg Plays

One of the first sports games released on the SNES, it lacks most things that are in most baseball games, such as season play, real players, and stat tracking. However, it was one of the first games that allowed you to make your own team. The main challenge in the game is to play a perfect game. This is not an easy thing to do because you must not strike out. The graphics are very simplistic, and almost 8-bit looking. The music may drive you nuts, as there are only 2 different tracks in the game. The sound effects are ok for a baseball game, and the voice samples are clear. The biggest problems are the controls when fielding a ball. There is no way to switch fielders, so sometimes the computer rapidly changes players, meaning you could start running in the wrong direction. Also they did not use the extra buttons on the controller, as they use the same button for jump and slide, meaning if you wanted to jump, you will most likely slide, because in order to jump, you have to be standing still. The best part of the game is the two player mode, which is fun. However, the teams are unbalanced. There are one or two teams which are a lot better than the rest. There are lots of better baseball games out there, so don't bother with this one. Also, what is up with the Ryne Sandberg endorsement? He isn't even in the game!!!

Graphics: 20

Sound: 50

Control: 30

Overall Score: 40

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