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Classic! This game is classic in every meaning of the word. When I was younger and it got released I remember the commercials. Then one day my brother rented it. I remember the ooohhss and ahhhhhss there were, because these graphics were great! And this was the first racing game I had ever played I never really rented those games, I more in the fighting ones. And what I really like about is the different quality in all of the crafts. The blue dude is good all around; the yellow dude has the best acceleration but the slowest speeds. The Green dude was I think traction was it? And my favorite, the pink dude, which is the fastest but, has the slowest acceleration. And also the music really gets you into the futuristic racing mood. The sound is also a great asset to this game, especially the explosion when you fly off course. It doesn't matter how many times you listen to it, every time it will make you jump and put a tingling sensation down your spine. Some people think that the new F-zero is better. They are wrong. This game will forever be the best racing game of all time. Even beating the best racing games for the N64 including Road Rash 64 and Rush. But don't get me wrong the new F-Zero is quite a good game, and gives you that nostalgic rush that makes you feel like that little person who ten years ago rented the to be the best racing game of all time: F-ZERO!

Overall score: 100%

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