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Mega Man X / Rockman X


The Mega Man series has been one of the most popular series of games ever and for good reason. Mega Man X continues the series and takes it to a whole new level of greatness. Besides the standard platforming and action aspects of the original it adds a whole new reason to go back and explore every level. Now besides just getting weapons at the end of boss stages you can explore stages to raise Megaman’s live meter, gain weapon, armor, helmet, or boot upgrades that give you access to more areas. And if you manage to collect every upgrade you can get the secret power of Hadoken (the move Ryu uses in street fighter)

By: Sean Jacox (aka Koji)


The graphics of this game really redefined the Mega Man series. Gone was the little kid looking guy bouncing around firing constant little yellow balls and in his place stood a very adult looking character that fired little white pellets as well as huge blue to red charged beams that could easily rip any maverick a new one.

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics were very nice and suited the game well. Besides the sprite graphics there was detailed backgrounds. Each piece of armor Megaman wears is independent of the others and thus each piece you gain is instantly put into place.

Sound: Effects:6/10 / Music: 9/10

The sound effects are nothing too special… they fit the game that’s all that matters.

The music in this game is excellent. All the songs match all the levels perfectly.

Play Control / Gameplay: 8/10

The way the controls are setup you can easily jump around while charging your attacks. Wall climbing and dashing get some taking used to. In fact I suggest everyone goes out of their way to learn to press a direction twice to dash instead of using the “a” button to do it. It makes things a lot easier when you have it down.

Replay value: 2/10

Once you beat it you don’t really feel the need to play it again…

Overall Score: 8/10

It defines the X series and it does it very well.

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