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J. League Excite Stage '95


This prototype of J. League Excite Stage '95 was likely used as a demo. Thanks to Matthew Callis at for dumping and releasing this!

By: Evan G
Last updated: April 10, 2015

There is not much to write about with this prototype. A direct comparison of the binary with the final version of the game, after removing the blank sections (which are blanked out differently in the prototype), is less than 3% different. I would guess this was used as a demo. If you look at the menu option screen below, the following options are inaccessible in the prototype:

  • League (リーグ戦 - league match)
  • Dream Match (ドリームマッチ)
  • Training A (トレーニングA)
  • Penalty Kick (P K)

Download the ROM image here.

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