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Shinseiki Odysselya


The Lost Mission was an unreleased game by Vic Tokai. Magazine scans courtesy of Retromags.

By: Evan G
Last updated: May 3, 2014

The Lost Mission was an RPG released in Japan as Shinseiki Odysselya. It was reported by Nintendo Power that it was in development by Vic Tokai's British studio, though it seems unlikely this was the case (unless they meant its localization). It was initially shown in playable form at the winter 1992 CES. At the summer 1993 CES, it has the working title Lost Missions. The Japanese version of the game came out in June 1993. The localization appears to have been complete, and was reviewed in the March 1994 issue of Nintendo Power. They complained that the game had a poor translation and was boring. Obviously, this game had a long development cycle, though there is not immediately clear why it was not released, unless they decided it was not high enough quality.

Listing in the April 1992 issue of Gamepro.
Screenshot of Lost Mission shown at the Winter 1992 CES.
Mention of the game in the February 1993 issue of Nintendo Power
Mention of the game in the August 1993 issue of Nintendo Power
Review in the March 1994 issue of Nintendo Power
Closeup of screens showing the unreleased localization
Review scores from the March 1994 issue of Nintendo Power (out of 5)
Title screen from a 1993 issue of Gamefan (scan by Kid Fenris)

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