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Irem Skins Game / Major Title


Major Title is a golf game by Irem. I purchased this prototype PCB from Castlevania4Ever in the summer of 2008. The US version of this game is known as Irem Skin Game

By: Evan G
Last updated: September 30, 2009

I bought this prototype about a year ago off Ebay when Castlevania4Ever, a Dutch prototype collector, was clearing out his collection. I bought this prototype along with Rock N' Roll Racing. The prototype is the PAL version of the game, and when I dumped it, it turned out to be identical to the released version. I have included scans of the prototype PCB for my archives. Note that even though the prototype has SRAM onboard, the game itself does not use battery saving.

The game itself is not all that great for a golf game. The graphics are pretty good, but I found it was nearly impossible to hit the ball properly, as the hitting gauge moved far too quickly.

PCB Front
PCB Back

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