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Capcom's Soccer Shootout


Thanks to Lost Levels, Snes Central is proud to present a prototype of Capcom's Soccer Shootout.

Thanks to Ballz, rbudrick, and Gideon Zhi for dumping these roms, and to Skrybe for sending them my way.

By: Evan G
Last updated: September 4, 2007

Capcom's Soccer Shootout is localization of Epoch's J. League Excite Stage '94, with international teams replacing the J League teams. This prototype is mostly identical to the final version of Soccer Shootout, though some Japanese text remains. The gameplay is the same in all versions. I thought the game was rather frustrating, as all players in the general vicinity of the ball moved in the same direction. That is all fine and great for Ice Hockey on the NES, but having selectable players would make playing this game much easier. The computer thoroughly kicked my ass, even when I was trying.

Here is the opening copyright screen. The prototype doesn't have the full listing yet.


The player names are the same as in the final version. However, the position setup is still in Japanese.


The final score tally here, showing the Japanese, prototype, and final versions of the game. As you can see, the Japanese text is unchanged in the prototype from the final version.

front of the prototype
Back of the prototype. Japanese text says 小プロ (small program?).

Download the rom here

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