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Justice League Task Force


Thanks to Lost Levels, Snes Central is proud to present a prototype of Justice League Task Force.

Thanks to Ballz, rbudrick, and Gideon Zhi for dumping these roms, and to Skrybe for sending them my way.

By: Evan G
Last updated: September 21, 2007

This game is relatively complete. The storyline, gameplay, graphics and sound are pretty much identical to the final version. There are a few changes that indicates that this game is indeed not complete.

The Game Over screen does not show up when the counter runs out to zero.

If you do continue, it briefly returns to the character select screen (though it doesn't let you select a new character).

There are some obvious debugging numbers on the fight screen on either side of the health bars. (see below)

The intro copyright and company name logos do not show up when you start the game.

Probably the most notable thing is that the difficulty always stays at the hardest level, even if you change it to the easiest in the options menu. At that level, the game is only slightly less cheap than the AI in Mortal Kombat 3. I quickly tired of getting my ass kicked by Aquaman, but by all means, play this game.

Prototype PCB - front
Prototype PCB - back

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