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Iron Commando
Game Code: AIC Genre: Fighter / Brawler
US Title: not released in North America US Publisher:
Japan Title: Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi Japan Publisher: Poppo
Title in Kanji: アイアンコマンドー鋼鉄の戦士 Title in Kana: アイアンコマンドーこうてつのせんし
European Title: unreleased Europe Publisher:
Developer: Arcade Zone Players: 1-2 (Simultaneous)
Accessories: none Special Chips: none
Save: none

Koutetsu no Senshi (鋼鉄の戦士) roughly translates to "Iron Commando", meaning the subtitle is redundant. A PAL version of the game was pretty much finished, but was never officially released. See article in the prototypes section.


Region Cart/PCB scan Dump Status State of Completion Source Notes Details
PAL no dumped near final scene release unreleased PAL version of the game link

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