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Kikou Keisatsu Metal Jack / Metal Jack: Armored Police
Game Code: MJ Genre: Action
US Title: Not released in the US US Publisher: -
Japan Title: Kikou Keisatsu Metal Jack Japan Publisher: Atlus
Title in Kanji: 機甲警察メタルジャック Title in Kana: きこうけいさつメタルジャック
European Title: Europe Publisher: -
Developer: Atlas Players: 1
Accessories: none Special Chips: none
Save: none

Metal Jack is an action game by Atlas. It was planned for release in the US, but it was cancelled. A prototype of the US version exists, see the prototypes section.


Region Cart/PCB scan Dump Status State of Completion Source Notes Details
USA yes dumped Complete prototype cartridge Presumably complete localization of the game, unreleased commercially link
USA no dumped Incomplete localization loose EPROMs Incomplete English localization prototype. link

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