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Top Gear 3000 (Pirate)


This is a pirate copy of Top Gear 3000.

By: Evan G
Last updated: November 11, 2017

Marvinsaint from Brazil sent me these pictures of a pirated copy of Top Gear 3000, which he purchased of Mercado Livre. What is interesting is that the game uses a DSP-4 chip. The pirates managed to reverse engineer the chip to make their own clone of it. The label is also pretty high quality.

cart - note the incorrect serial code. Otherwise it is a direct copy of the US version of the game.
PCB - Front. Note the cloned DSP-4 chip
PCB - Back

L e o n a r d o sent me a clearer scan of this pirate PCB.


L e o n a r d o also sent me a scan of an another pirated version of Top Gear 3000. Very different design.


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