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Dark Kingdom
Game Code: QA Genre: RPG
US Title: not released in the US US Publisher: -
Japan Title: Dark Kingdom Japan Publisher: Telenet
Title in Kanji: Title in Kana: ダークキングダム
European Title: Europe Publisher: -
Developer: Telenet Players: 1
Accessories: none Special Chips: none
Save: Battery

A little known RPG released by Telenet in Japan. Very little information exists about this game in English. The story apparently follows a mercenary who has joined forces with an evil Demon King. Might be an interesting title due to the ability to play the bad guy.


Region Cart/PCB scan Dump Status State of Completion Source Notes Details
Japan yes dumped beta prototype cart Title screen displays "version 0.55". Clear differences from the final version. link
Japan no undumped unknown prototype cart Prototype listed in DreamTR's collection, title screen image is identical to the final version. link

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