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Terranigma (pirate)


novadaemon sent me these pictures of a pirate of Terranigma, purchased in Korea. It features a board that is populated by many chips.

By: Evan G
Last updated: January 8th, 2012

novadaemon sent me these pictures of a pirated version of Terranigma. It is interesting in that it has no less than 12 chips on the PCB. Here is the description from his post on Reddit:

So I'm browsing the local shops and rummaging through some dirty cartridges when I see a Japanese copy of Terranigma. I knew pretty much instantly that it was pirate cart because the label was badly misaligned, but something was odd; it was heavy. It felt as heavy or heavier than 2 SNES games.

After paying 3,000 won (~$2.75) for it, I got it home and opened it up. I saw two chips on the front and some wires. When I flipped the PCB I was shocked to see a LOT of large chips, and a battery. Long story short, this pirate cartridge most likely cost more to make than a real Terranigma cart. The cartridge works, but the battery is corroded a bit so it doesn't save anymore. If I replace the battery, it should be good to go.

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