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Turbo File Twin


This is a device that was released in Japan. It is officially liscenced by Nintendo and made by ASCII.

By: Jonny

I was looking at the Turbo File code in some games to see how it works a few months ago, since its currently not supported by any snes emulator. I have looked at the following games and know the turbo file is supported by them (because I have accessed each of the games Turbo File menus). There are likely many more games supported, but I have not looked at/don't know of them:

  • Gunple
  • Dark Law
  • Derby Stallion 3, 96, 98
  • Wizardry 6
  • Rpg Tukool 1, 2
  • Sound Novel Tukool

The Turbo File allows you to store save games onto it and therefore has more slots for saves than the regular battery-backed sram. It seems to mainly be supported by ASCIIsoft games, and of course it was ASCII who made the device, so thats expected.

Screenshots from Derby Stallion 96:



Screenshots of Gunple. You can see the "STF" in the gunple menu, this seems to correspond to the 'STF select' option on the actual turbo file device:




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