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Mountain Sports


Mountain Sports was an unreleased game in development by DTMC. (picture scan by Retromags).

By: Evan G
Last updated: July 20, 2009

DTMC was a low key publishing company, responsible for such games as Firestriker and Lester the Unlikely. In the May 1993 issue of Nintendo Power, Mountain Sports was shown in the Pak Watch section, stating that mountain climing and kayaking would be amount the sports. It was also shown at the summer 1993 CES, stating it also included ATV racing. In the November 1993 issue of Nintendo Power, it was listed with the title "Rocky Mountain Sports", though it did not elaborate on the game beyond that.


  • Nintendo Power, Pak Watch, Publication date: May 1993, Volume: 48, Pages: 112-113
  • Nintendo Power, Pak Watch - Summer CES, Publication date: August 1993, Volume: 51, Pages: 113
  • Nintendo Power, The Sports Scene (upcoming releases list), Publication date: November 1993, Volume: 54, Pages: 18

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