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Super Game Boy 2

This baby was only released in Japan. From the info off the auction it played was like the original Super Game Boy in that it only plays original black and white Game Boy Game with added colour, but It also allows you to connect to a regular Game Boy, presumeably to play linked games. This was likely released due to the incredible popularity of Pocket Monsters in late 1995.

Added by Carnivol:

Only differents so far (that I've found) (compared to the original Super Game Boy) is that it got different built in boarders (to have around the screen), it got a new coloring system (a tiny bit easier to handle) it's transparent, and it even got 2 little lights inside it (one red and one green) It has a Link-cable port, (GBPocket/GBC/GBA type) making it possible to hook up to Snes systems or a Snes to any GBX utility (Printer, lights, or multiplayer by Snes -> GBX)

I also heard that it's supposed to have special features for the GB camera and the earlier pokemon games, but I haven't found anything special (except for the link-up) but those might only be available on the Jap versions of the games...

Scan by JohnDie:


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