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This game was scheduled to be released by ASCII for the PC, Genesis, and of course, the SNES. It was apparently going to be some sort of strategy game. A rom image of the Genesis version is available, but as far as I can tell, it was never officially released in any form. Jonny got a hold of one of the people who worked on the game, Tim Ryan:

I worked at ASCII, the publisher. It was being developed externally by Visual Concepts on the SNES and PC. I was their producer. I was also the project leader on the Sega port done in house. There were a number of titles I worked on that got cancelled when ASCII imploded (ran out of cash) and fired everybody. Visual Concepts bought the rights back and published the PC version, possibly a Sega version. The SNES version stopped making progress well before the implosion though. Visual Concepts also became a Sega studio. That's probably why a SNES version was never published.

Dominus was shown at the Winter 1993 CES. Nintendo Power states that it allowed you to control up to 500 different monsters.

Screenshot from the March 1993 issue of Nintendo Power (scanned by Retromags)


  • Nintendo Power, Pak Watch, Publication date: March 1993, Volume: 46, Pages: 114

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