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Top Gear 2

Zoom! This game is probably my favourite racing game ever for the Super Nintendo. I remember playing this one for hours and having that divot in my thumb from holding the X button down so long. This game added a bit of depth from its predecessor by allowing you to upgrade your car. Although it is nothing fancy, it is really cool when you get a big upgrade and beating the computer good. This game is not overly realistic. For instance, no matter how sharp a turn is, if you take it right, you never have to let off the gas. I liked how turbo charges were implemented in the game. Since you have 6 of them at the start, you can plan when to use them. The computer opponents are not cheap, like in other racing games like Super Mario Kart. This game is also a ton of fun with 2 players, as it makes the game more challenging, as a person would not be able to upgrade their vehicle as fast. The sound in this game was pretty good. The music was not repetitive or annoying. The sound effects were good, but the sound of you tires squealing on turns is rather annoying. The graphics are excellent. The cars look smooth and there are plenty of signs and other things on the roadway. Also, even if there are lots of cars in the screen, there is little or no slow down. I think that the roto scope background is really cool. However, ramps look nothing more like logs or brown speed bumps (make sure you let the gas of when you are in the air if you want to keep full speed). The only problem with this game is that near the end, after you get full upgrades, the challenge kind of dies down. Although, I was on the easiest difficulty level, so I guess I should not complain. I recommend this game to anyone who likes racing games.

Graphics: 70

Sound: 60

Controls: 70

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