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Final Fantasy III / Final Fantasy VI

Released in 1994, this RPG is highly regarded as the best RPG on the SNES. Although I believe that honour goes to Final Fantasy II, I do believe this comes in at a close second. The story is excellent, although it is only played out at the first half of the game. The second half is largely non-linear and only adds to the back stories of many of the characters. This makes the game quite unique and makes you want to regain every party member just to see their stories. The graphics are far more crisp than Final Fantasy II. The music was amazing and really made many parts of the game more intense/ exciting. I thought this game was easier than Final Fantasy II, mainly because every character, save a couple, could learn magic spells. And if you found a certain relic, you could cast the Ultima spell an almost infinite amount of times, making the final part of the game rather easy. Also, though all characters had a unique command, they were too unbalanced. There is a certain two characters that could easily wipeout a group of enemies in one go. And there were some characters (ie Gau) that were pretty much useless. It is a great game, but these minor problems bring down the score so that it isn't as great as the almighty Final Fantasy II. Still, I have played though it several times and I still enjoy playing it more than the Playstation Final Fantasies.

Graphics: 100

Sound: 100

Control: 90

Overall Rating: 100

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