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Prototypes on Yahoo Japan - July 2008 - Set 2


Here are a bunch of SFC prototypes that were found on the Yahoo Japan Auctions site during early July 2008. Thanks to Li Wang for finding these auctions and grinvader from #zsnes on Freenode for help with the Romanization of some of Japanese names.

By: Evan G
Last updated: July 17, 2008

Here are some prototypes of SFC games found on Yahoo Japan's auction site during July 2008. These auctions are from a different seller than the other batch, and the seller posted some screenshots. Enjoy!

Kid Klown in Crazy Chase - An entertaining isometric platfomer where pretty much everything is out to get you.

Kid Klown in Crazy Chase - Front
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase - back
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase - screenshots

Clock Works is a puzzle game where you have to guide your spinning character through a series of pegs.

Clock Works - front
Clock Works - screenshots (I'm guessing that the ones on the left are from the final game, and the ones on the right are from the prototype)

Koshien 3 - yes another prototype of this game

Koshien 3 - Front
Koshien 3 - back
Koshien 3 - screenshots (note that the prototype screenshots on the right are different)

Champions World Class Soccer - a soccer game from Acclaim... actually, it isn't that bad.

Champions World Class Soccer - front
Champions World Class Soccer - screenshots (judging by the screenshots, the prototype is based off the US/European version)

Chou Makai Taisen Dorabochan - Also known as The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, it is a overhead action game similar to Startropics, except you can gain experience points and use magic cards.

Chou Makai Taisen Dorabochan - front
Chou Makai Taisen Dorabochan - screenshots (looks like it is the final version)

Demon's Blazon - Known as Demon's Crest in the US, this is an action game that is a spinoff of Ghouls and Ghosts, but without the insane difficulty.

Demon's Blazon - Front
Demon's Blazon - Screenshots (note the "sample" in the right screen)

Touge Densetsu Saisoku Battle (literally Decisive Legend Fastest Battle) is a motorcycle racing game, which appears to have a story or simulation mode.

Touge Densetsu Saisoku Battle -front
Touge Densetsu Saisoku Battle - back
Touge Densetsu Saisoku Battle - screenshots

Hatayama Hatch no Paro Yakyuu News (literally Parodic News of the Mountain-Like Baseball Team) - This is a pretty terrible baseball game that looks a lot like the NES classic, RBI Baseball.

Hatayama Hatch no Paro Yakyuu News - Front
Hatayama Hatch no Paro Yakyuu News - Back
Hatayama Hatch no Paro Yakyuu News - screenshots

Mickey and Minnie Magical Adventure 2 - Subtitled The Great Circus Mystery, this is a typical Capcom type platfomer like Aladdin.

Mickey and Minnie Magical Adventure 2 - front
Mickey and Minnie Magical Adventure 2 - screenshots (notice the "sample" on the screen on the right)

American Battle Dome - I would describe this as "battle pinball". I imagine that this is a four player game.

American Battle Dome - Front
American Battle Dome - Screenshots (note the different copyright notice on the right)

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