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Dragon Ball Z - Super Saiya Densetsu (Legend of the Super Saiyans)


Ah DBZ. The one show that determined that anime was okay to watch and enjoy in the US… till 7 year olds ruined it for us. DBZ Legend of the Super Saiyan (DBZ Super Saiyan Densetsu) follows roughly along the lines of it.

By: Sean Jacox (a.k.a Koji)


Ah DBZ. The one show that determined that anime was okay to watch and enjoy in the US… till 7 year olds ruined it for us. DBZ Legend of the Super Saiyan (DBZ Super Saiyan Densetsu) follows roughly along the lines of it. Since this was made in the real early days of the Super Famicom, the graphics and sound are below par for the most part. In fact so are the story, the gameplay, and the overall feel of the game. In fact the only cool thing about this game is the way that battles take place in the RPG fashion (this leaves a lot of DBZ fans sore since they have little control over the real action). There were also many inaccuracies in the translations I have found on the internet. In fact the only two English translations for this game are poorly done, either because they have horrible abbreviations that are hard to understand or it’s translated wrong (certain items say they heal 1/3rd your life but only heal 33 HP no matter what). If you can get past all of these things you might enjoy this game… but don’t expect to play it more then 1 or 2 times.

Graphics: 6/10

Even for early SNES the graphics could have been better

Sound: 5/10 (effects) 2/10 (music)

The sound effects were fairly decent but still lacking a lot. The music is poor, annoying, and repetitive... There are only about 4-6 songs and you hear them throughout the entirety of the game.

Play Control / Gameplay: 6/10

It’s an RPG so there isn’t much to expect out of this.

Replay: 4/10

If you can survive its downfalls the first time through you will likely never touch the game again… But then again maybe you’re the type of person that doesn’t learn from the first mistake.


Translation quality: 1/10 and 3/10-

The first translation I saw was full of grammar and spelling errors and just looks crappy. The second one had lots of mistakes that just didn’t go with the game at all. Editor's note: there are three translations, I have no idea which two he refers to.

Overall Score: 3/10

The game was poorly done, poorly presented, and just had a plain poor feel.

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