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Thanks to Lost Levels, Snes Central is proud to present a prototype of NBA Jam.

Thanks to Ballz, rbudrick, and Gideon Zhi for dumping these roms, and to Skrybe for sending them my way.

By: Evan G
Last updated: April 29, 2012

This prototype of NBA Jam is virtually identical to the final version. There are only two bytes different between the prototype and the final version of the game:

Comparing files NBA Jam (Prototype).sfc and NBA Jam (U).SFC:
00007800: A9 01
00007801: FC 02
End of both files.

I briefly played the game, and I the debugger didn't trip for these two addresses. Considering the internal checksum in the prototype is the same as the final version, I can only assume that these bytes were changed simply to break the checksum, or the chip was not burned correctly. I suppose we also cannot rule out that the dump is bad, although it seems odd that only two bytes would be bad.

Prototype - front
Prototype - back

Download Rom Here

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