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This prototype is pretty interesting, with lots of changes. The graphics are absolutely stunning, very much like the cartoon. The main gameplay looks pretty much finished, but there are some debugging features (namely a level select menu), and a lack of polish that the final version has. I played through the first couple of levels, and found a number of changes. Thanks to the viewers of my Twitch stream for spotting a couple of them! The date on the prototype is July 18, which is a few months before it was released. There is a intro screen that says "Goofy28 Zip", which may refer to a filename. I can't think of anything else.
In the Copyright screen, the "Mickey Mania" logo is not in the prototype version.
Title screen, different design of the background in the final version, it has a purple star
The options menu background has two "M"s in the background. In the final version, lives are "Tries", and you get three of them by default. In the prototype it is called "lives" and you get two by default. To select an option in the prototype, you have to press start, in the final version, you press A.
In the music options, there is a larger gap between "music" and the title of the song in the final version. The title of the song "Tower" is "Whirlwind" in the prototype.
Prototype has a level select menu when you start the game.
In the final version, you don't get a sack of stuff to throw at the beginning of the game. The music in the first level is also different.
In the prototype, when you encounter Pete and things start to become colourful, the water stays grey in the prototype.
Game over screen: in the prototype it says "press a key" in the final it says "press a button"
Download the game on Hidden Palace |
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