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Super Mario All-Stars


This prototype of Super Mario All-Stars is identical to the final version of the game. Thanks to Predatorxs and Mike for information on this prototype.

By: Evan G
Last updated: August 1, 2010

This prototype has been known for some time, and I have had an article on it since 2003. Predatorxs made a thread on Digital Press displaying this prototype (along with a similar Earthbound prototype) in August 2003. The prototype was likely originally used for review by a magazine in Europe. Predatorxs sold the game in mid-2009, presumably to Mike who now owns the game.

In July 2010, Mike dump the ROM image of the prototype. It turns out the prototype is bitwise identical to the version 1.0 USA release of Super Mario All-Stars. I suppose this shouldn't be surprising, considering the cart itself states that it is "USA Version ROM - Final/NTSC".

Picture of the cart (picture by Predatorxs)
Prototype board (picture by Predatorxs)

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