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Super Mario World

What was the first snes game you ever played? Chances are you would answer Super Mario World. And rightly so, as it came with the system. And what a game to release the system. It has great graphics which were way better than any NES game. And the sound was a step up, as well. Also, it was cool having your own dinosaur buddy, Yoshi. I remember getting this game, and not being able to put down the controller until I passed it. It was kind of dissappointing that I passed it in under a week, but this game has a lot of replayability because of the many secret levels. The controls in this game were very responsive and were not hard to figure out. Learning to control the cape is challenging, but it adds to the fun of the game. Also being able to carry items and switches adds some new elements to the mix. It was a good showcase of what the SNES could do. I liked Super Mario Bros. 3 better, but it is an excellent game. If you don't have it, get it!

Graphics: 90%

Sound: 90%

Control: 100%

Overall Rating: 100%

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